President’s Welcome

Welcome from the Board President

Cheers to 105 Years!
Yes, for the past 105 years, Crichton Club (Cry-tun) has thrived as it stays true to its purpose to “Educate, Enlighten, and Engage.”  We introduce speakers who present new ideas, challenge our thinking, and entertain us with thought-provoking ideas.

Since 1919, members have represented the “town and gown” communities, bringing together leaders
in Central Ohio from the diverse worlds of business, non-profit, education,  and politics. While many of the practices and traditions of our club have changed over the years, the roster of influential speakers remains as interesting as ever. Look over the roster of programs for the 2024-2025 season and become involved!

One of the benefits of membership is the camaraderie of the reception following each speaker.  Held in the courtyard at the museum, close by the meeting room, this added event offers an opportunity for conversation, one on one, with the speaker, as well as greeting friends and colleagues.  A delectable dessert buffet with wine and coffee are included in membership dues.

Our members represent leaders from all facets of life in Columbus: business, non-profit, educational, scientific. And the roster of speakers reflects an equally varied series of topics. Now is the time to support Crichton Club with your membership and to share this invitation with friends who might be interested in joining.